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Zen-ul și arta ....dirijării: Filozofia transcendentală a muzicii la Sergiu Celbidache

Updated: Dec 25, 2022

"Tot ce pot spune este că fără Zen nu aș fi putut cunoaște acest principiu straniu - că începutul este sfârșitul. Muzica nu este altceva decât materializarea acestui principiu."

Prima intâlnire cu zen-ul este în 1939 la Berlin, prin intermediul preotului budist Dao Jun, (germanul Martin Steinke), de care îl va lega o frumoasă prietenie.

Celibidache- filozofia sa muzicala:

[Transcriere partiala aici ]

Memoria exilului românesc - Sergiu Celibidache:

„Grădina lui Sergiu Celibidache”

Un portret intim al celebrului și venerat dirijor și compozitor clasic Sergiu Celibidache. Ambiția „Grădinii lui Sergiu Celibidache” avea un obiectiv simplu, dar intimidant: să restabilească și să celebreze vechea poveste de dragoste dintre cinema și muzica clasică prin prezentarea publicului unui om simplu, pe atât de genial.:

Zen Buddhism on the conductor's platform

Sergiu Celibidache conducted according to the principle of ichigo ichie

Alexander Scriabin was the composer who wanted to compose us all into nirvana. Sergiu Celibidache was the conductor who wanted to conduct us into enlightenment.

Celibidache brought Zen Buddhism to the conductor’s podium along with a Japanese concept called ichigo ichie. The phrase comes from the traditional Japanese tea ceremony and was first developed as a concept in the 16th Century.

Ichigo ichie means “one opportunity, one encounter.” Each time we interact with someone it is a unique experience and should be treated as a once in a lifetime event. It will never recur in the same exact way.

Celibidache famously did not condone recordings of the concerts he conducted. If we consider his dedication to the concept of ichigo ichie then we can begin to understand his position.

Celibidache tried to create an environment of transcendence at each of his concerts. He required extra rehearsals and was mindful of the atmosphere in the physical space of the concert hall. He felt as though recordings did not support a transcendent experience.

mai mult :

Zen and the art of conducting

The Romanian conductor Sergiu Celibidache, who died two years ago, was a legend in his own time

The Romanian conductor Sergiu Celibidache, who died two years ago, was a legend in his own time. For most of his life he refused to set foot in a recording studio. "Listening to a recording is like sleeping with a photograph of Brigitte Bardot," he once quipped. He had a reputation for favouring slow tempos and demanding extra days of rehearsal. The better the orchestra, the more time he liked, on the basis that with a really good orchestra the possibilities are greater.

His demands in other areas were as high as his artistic standards. Munich's city fathers had to expand the Munich Philharmonic to 130 players and issue new pay contracts to lure him to the city as general music director in 1979. And although he resigned in 1985 in a public row with the authorities over his artistic independence (at a time when his annual remuneration of around £250,000 was already something of an embarrassment), he later received the ultimate reward of being conferred with honorary citizenship. Hardly surprising, as he transformed the orchestra into one of the finest in the world and swelled the number of season ticket holders to 14,000

Mai mult:

Celibidache's presence of mind:

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